This morning, when I was on the treadmill listening to the songs on my iPod, this thought came to my mind- Is Phelps the perfect example for 'Khudee ko kar buland itna ke har taqdeer sepehle khudaa bande se khud poochhe, bata teri razaa kya hai " (Make yourself so strong that before God writes your fate, let him ask you, tell me what do you want me to write)? I happen to love this Sufi song, which is so inspiring.
Debbie Phelps told in an interview about Michael's childhood - He had ADHD, was teased and alughed at by other kids for looking different and he used to come home crying everyday (and who is laughing now!!). So she put him in swimming so that he could spend his energy in the pool. His coach realized his potential when he was 11 and said 'This kid could achieve something no one has achieved before'! What a foresight, and yes, HE DID IT!!
The teenagers could use Phelps, Shawn Johnson, Usain Bolt, Abhinav Bindra, Dara Torres and many others who have achieved purely on their hard work as their ideals rather than some movie stars spending thousands on drinks and going to rehab! There is so much positive to do in life. Cheers to all the winners in Olympics :).