Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vo kaagaz ki kashti....

Had quite a lazy but productive weekend. On Saturday, to keep the Jr. busy, D had an idea of making something from the construction paper. Jr. said he wanted to make a sail boat with chop sticks. D being pretty diligent, made this boat. It never sailed though!
As I was writing the blog, and was thinking about title, it just came to mind - one of the best ghazals I have ever heard, which also reminds me of my childhood. That is a golden period in one's life. You do not have to worry about 'Tomorrow'. Just live for today, and live for now. We never realized that when we were kids, and now, our kids dont realize the same and we struggle to tell them, how lucky they are and they dont have to worry!! The the same continues in every generation......



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